Request an appointment or consultation
It is important to us to get to know you and your exact needs. We always offer a free consultation to tell you if your problem can be handled in our office. We work with area medical doctors, physical therapists, acupuncturists and personal trainers, so if your problem is better addressed by another type of care giver, we can make the appropriate referral.
Please call to schedule an appointment or a free 15-minute consultation.
Take a major step toward pain relief today.
Call us at: (914) 886-2011
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About Us
We help anyone with injuries suck as: back problem, trick knees, sports injuries or carpal tunnel syndrome and many more. Maybe you’ve experienced an injury playing your favorite sport, or have had hand problems like carpal tunnel syndrome from too much keyboard use, limiting your hobby time or even threatening your livelihood. Contact us today to discuss how we can help.